
To elevate and develop equitable workforce pathways in early education that respect education and experience equally.

High quality early education is essential to communities, and its lack is not only a social concern, but also an economic one. Developing sustainable programs that support early education ensures that communities grow and thrive. Apprenticeships have traditionally supported male-dominated professions like industrial, manufacture, and construction where state-level supports are plentiful. Early education apprenticeships are a new and unique model that target the early care and education profession.

Bluegrass Early Education Consulting supports early education programming and specializes in Early Education Apprenticeships.

Early care and education is our calling.


To be an organization that provides early education content expertise and services to every client from start to finish.

The early care and education industry has components which are unique and specific to the needs of young children and their families. The successful development of early education apprenticeships require a content expert familiar with cross-sector ECE programs.

With six years experience in the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of early education apprenticeships, Bluegrass Early Education Consulting is one of the country’s most qualified early education apprenticeship intermediary organizations providing not only content expertise, but experienced support services to our clients from creation to completion.

From creation to completion, we’ve done it all.

Brenda Hagan, MS HROD

Brenda is the chief architect of the nation’s first early childhood leadership apprenticeship which launched in 2022. She has state-level experience in developing, designing, and implementing early education apprenticeships, including leading Kentucky’s early childhood apprenticeship program from 2019-2023.

Brenda has served as the COO of an early education corporation for the past 20 years. She has worked in early care and education, developed programming, and created early education apprenticeships designed to meet the very specific needs of the early care and education workforce.

She has state-level experience in developing, designing, and implementing early education apprenticeships, including leading Kentucky’s early childhood apprenticeship program from 2019-2023.

Brenda has a Masters Degree in Organizational Development through the University of Louisville as well as Level 4 Trainer Credential through Kentucky’s Trainer Credential program.

Principal, bluegrass early education consulting